Snapshots of the Networked Geothermal Progress in MA

Two gas utility-run networked geothermal systems are being installed in MA, piloting the path forward for gas utilities’ transition to delivering clean, renewable thermal energy!
Framingham, MA

After a groundbreaking event in June, Eversource Gas began the construction phase of its networked geothermal installation in Framingham, MA. The approximately 90 boreholes being drilled will connect to a horizontal loop of pipe, which will tie in to ground-source heat pumps in 32 residential and 5 commercial buildings—serving a total of 140 customers.
Eversource Gas is seeking a designer for networked geothermal expansion. HEET encourages all qualified geothermal engineering and design firms to submit proposals for this exciting project, which has the potential to help to shape the future of utility-scale networked geothermal in the state.
Lowell, MA

National Grid has drilled two test boreholes for its networked geothermal installation in Lowell, MA, and is now busy designing the system and recruiting customers. The construction phase is set to begin in early 2024. If you live in Lowell, you can sign up to receive more information on the project from National Grid.
HEET’s LeGUp research team added fiber optic cable to the test boreholes, as we did at Eversource’s Framingham installation. The cables allow us to gather data on the temperature of the water throughout the pipes, which extend around 600 feet underground.
Merrimack Valley As a result of settlements from the 2018 Merrimack Valley gas explosion, funds were allocated to build a networked geothermal system in the area affected by this tragic event. The Attorney General’s office released an RFP for designers (now closed) and is now doing outreach to find potential sites for the system. If you live in the Merrimack Valley and would like your neighborhood to be considered, please contact