Using the Map
The map includes the following layers of information:
- Open leaks reported by each utility, by town and Boston neighborhood
- Repaired leaks reported by each utility, by town and Boston neighborhood
- Estimated emissions and equivalencies, by both town and Boston neighborhood
- GSEP plans (more information about GSEP can be found here)

The map application provides controls for navigating and exploring.

The map provides various layers of information which can be selected with the Layer List button. In the example below, National Grid Boston Gas repaired and open leaks layers are enabled, together with Boston neighborhood and MA town boundaries.

Interacting With the Map
To see detailed information about a leak, click on it. Use the Maximize button to expand it.

If multiple layers of information are available, use the Next feature and Previous feature buttons to scroll them. In this example, we scroll between the leak details, and the leak summary and emissions estimates for the town which the leak is in.

You can use the search bar to search for leaks and addresses across all layers, and then constrain to specific layers. In the example above, Highland Rd, Brookline is searched for, and then results are limited to just National Grid Boston Gas layers.

Data in layers can be selectively chosen using filter expressions using the Attribute Tables button. The example below reveals just the open Grade 3 SEI leaks in the selected region. A layer is selected and then filtered by selecting leaks where the ‘Grade for mapping’ attribute is ‘G3SEI’. Filters persist until removed.

Estimated emissions information is included in pop-ups for towns and colored emissions layers for both towns and Boston neighborhoods are available.

Using the Basemap Gallery, you can choose a different base map if you prefer.