Help for Energy Hogs Launches!

HEET and National Grid have officially launched the Help for Energy Hogs program! We have selected RENEW Energy Partners to implement this exciting opportunity in Quincy and Salem.The Help for Hogs program aims to help organizations with annual energy bills of more than $15,000. The upgrades will cost nothing upfront, but will be financed, owned, insured and maintained by an energy efficiency developer. The energy efficiency developer vetted by HEET, Renew Energy Partners, gets repaid through the energy-bill savings.The goal of Help for Hogs is to help the whole community become more environmentally sustainable and economically vibrant. Learn more about the program by signing up for a Help for Hogs Workshops (light food and drinks will be provided). Wednesday, October 8th at 6PM, at the Quincy Center for Innovation, located at 180 Old Colony Avenue in Quincy, Massachusetts. There is ample on-street parking on Old Colony Avenue and St. Ann’s Road. Please RSVP by calling 516-900-4338. Find out if your nonprofit is an energy hog through the Energy Hog Quiz and learn more through the Help for Hogs FAQs. Call 516-900-HEET or come to one of the Help for Hogs workshops to qualify into the program.HEET has also brought on two interns to help with our Help for Hogs program! Clara Suh has a Masters of City Planning from MIT and will be helping with small business outreach and Jingwei Zhang has a Master's of City Planning from BU and will be helping with small business outreach with the Mandarin-speaking community in Quincy.