Eversource Approved to Build GeoMicroDistrict

Eversource will be the first utility to pilot a GeoMicroDistrict! On October 30, 2020 the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) approved a demonstration project as part of Eversource’s most recent rate case. Do you want the pilot to be on your street?
Eversource is now authorized to spend $10 million for the design, construction and maintenance of networked geothermal in a densely populated neighborhood, around 100 homes and businesses. Having different types of customers, each with different energy needs, will result in a greater efficiency. A supermarket with its need for refrigeration will balance a home’s need for heating.
In addition to paying for the underground geothermal system, Eversource will pay for heat pumps as well as some efficiencies in the pilot buildings. The homes who participate will pay an extraordinarily low fixed cost of $20 per month. Low income homes pay only $5 per month. The system also includes cooling depending on the setup in the home.
No site is yet selected. This is where you come in. While there are many criteria for selecting the site, your input and ideas are very important. If you think you know a location that would be appropriate, let us know by filling out this form. Your home, your business, where you worship, and your community center are all possibilities. The site has to be within Eversource gas territory. You can figure this out by looking at your gas bill.
(And if you happen to be in Cambridge and want to see if your site might be a good site for the pilot, see this map we created. Give this map a few seconds to load; there's a lot of data in it. Then see if you have leaks on your street. Is there gas work planned there?)
HEET won't choose the site, but we'll take your ideas to Eversource.