2022: Our Year in Numbers

It's been a wonderful year, filled with fascinating data, a growing team and an ever-expanding network of energy transition enthusiasts. Here's our best attempt to summarize it all.
22,802 gas leaks mapped in MA including CO2 emissions by town, 3,346 leaks mapped in Washington, D.C., 5,592 MA gas pipe replacements planned for the next 5 years extracted and mapped
1 networked geothermal installation going in the ground by Eversource Gas in Framingham, MA
$5 million granted from MassCEC to analyze the results of Eversource’s installation and others in the works
4 networked geothermal installations planned for MA by National Grid
3,600 ft of fiber optic cable attached to a water pipe to measure temperature at the Eversource site

3 peer-reviewed research papers published (1, 2, 3)
12 states with utilities, organizations or government agencies pursuing networked geothermal as an alternative to heating with gas
3 homes in Boston environmental justice communities weatherized in the past 3 weeks through HEET’s ongoing collaboration with HomeWorks Energy
60+ presentations given on networked geothermal to communities and at conferences, including 1 TED Talk
2 charrettes that brought together 211 climate advocates, lawmakers, union representatives, town leaders and utility executives, and more
Over 500 donations from all of you that have kept us going
And countless new connections made! Thank you so much for your support, collaboration and idea-sharing. We can't wait to continue innovating in the new year. Our best wishes for a bright 2023.
- The HEET Team